Community consultation for Masterplanned Community in Heart of Hunter Valley NSW

Community Consultation
Updated plans, information, and timing on Huntlee Stage 2


Engagement for Huntlee Stage 2

During 2023 we hosted a series of community engagement activities to seek feedback on the updated plans for Huntlee Stage 2:

    • August/September- We issued a community survey to the Huntlee community and surrounding suburbs, focusing on designs for the public open space. We received 517 responses over a few weeks.
    • November- We hosted a series of stakeholder meetings and a drop-in information session to provide interested community members with updated plans, information, and timing on Huntlee Stage 2. 16 people attended the drop-in session.
    • View and download the information presented at the session here.
    • View and download the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Public exhibition 2024

The State Significant Planning Application is on public exhibition on the NSW Department of Planning, Homes and Infrastructure (DPHI)’s website from 23 July 2024 for a period of 28 days. 

By visiting the NSW Major Projects Portal, you can provide feedback on the proposed plans by clicking on the ‘Make a submission’ button on the Huntlee New Town - Stage 2 website, available here:

View the application here

You can also stay up to date as the project moves through the planning process by clicking ‘Notify me’ and registering your interest.

Need more information?

Our development and community team are always happy to hear your thoughts and take questions about the project.

Call or email our friendly team on 02 4938 3910 or


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